Mary Ponomareva / Chris Kore / Entangled Others
Chris Kore is a digital dreamer, multidisciplinary artist, and designer interested in the exploration of an ever-changing mediated reality and its influence on human perception. Her works touch the philosophical and psychological sides of our technological nature, question the expanding development of AI, mixed realities and digital traces.
Entangled Others is the shared studio practice of artists Feileacan McCormick & Sofia Crespo. Their work focuses upon ecology, nature & generative arts, with a focus on giving the more-than-human new forms of presence & life in digital space. Exploring questions of relationship, biodiversity, and awareness through biology-inspired technologies. In turn, highlighting how through conscious efforts new technology can be used to bring attention and awareness to the unseen that we are tightly interwoven with.
Mary Ponomareva is a visual artist, multidisciplinary designer and researcher based in Amsterdam. In her works, she uses graphic design, virtual reality, CGI and 3D modeling as a tool to envision and question possible futures. She speculates and envisions grotesque realities in order to reflect on future societal and ethical implications of currently emerging technologies.
Interactive Presentation: Zero Emissions by 2099: Algorithmic World-building WATCH