Cyano Automaton
Did you ever want to go to Mars but you didn’t know what to pack in your lunch box? Welcome to Cyano Automaton’s workshop, where you will get a glimpse on how to grow your own spirulina and use it to prepare delicious space food recipes, right here on Earth.

Did you ever want to go to Mars but you didn’t know what to pack in your lunch box? What about snacking on spirulina, a biomass of cyanobacteria rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals? Spirulina will in fact be included in astronauts’ diet during extended space travel.
Welcome to Cyano Automaton’s workshop, where you will get a glimpse on how to grow your own spirulina and use it to prepare delicious space food recipes, right here on Earth! It is also the background for a critical discussion on terrestrial and interplanetary colonization, of which cyanobacteria –as the first photosynthetic organisms on the planet – have been key players.
The workshop is built around the Cyano Automaton, an interactive bioreactor that cultivates spirulina and gives voice to this species to tell a story about past, present, and future colonizations. The reactor takes data from space explorations and terrestrial conquests to intertwine a multifaceted narrative, dictated by the bacteria’s own growing cycles.
The bioreactor is physically located in Helsinki, Finland, but available to the public online during the Uroboros Festival 2021 at
???? How to prepare for the workshop????
Participants are encouraged to bring dry spirulina (available in most shops with healthy food). Easy access to basic kitchen utensils is also encouraged. However, people without access to these resources are welcome to participate in the workshop (without hands-on activities).
✨ Please note that Aga’s Cyano Automaton workshop is part of a research work organised in collaboration with the CreaTures project. We will send details about the research to all registered participants but if you have any questions already now, please contact us at ✨
Aga Pokrywka
With an academic background in animated film, computer simulations, and physics, Aga Pokrywka works hybridly with video, graphic design, and collaborative practices in order to build eclectic narratives. She’s interested in re-telling stories and capturing diverse viewpoints through interactive and non-linear strategies. Natural sciences, technology, and decentralised organising are topics that are especially close to her heart. Aga collaborates with humans; bacteria (as the host of Ferment Radio); and computers (as the co-founder of Super Eclectic).