AI Almanac—Forecasting Space-Time in the Life-Afterlife
Enjoy AI forecasting with Dr Wu, AI mystic, as they offer a tour of their AI Almanac: 2020s edition!
Dr Wu presents moon phrases, helpful phases, gardening trips, and more, while leading you through the various routes around the future with several destinations—one of the nine circles of hell!

This presentation features authentic news items that Dr. Wu critiques and revises, then presents as forecasted events. The revisions form the AI almanac (AA), forecasting how the 20s will unfold, employing a map format in the shape of a skull. It shows glitches in the system; misunderstandings AI are prone to make when learning. AA features the nonsense often created by so-called AI when they attempt to interact with people with the stakes ratcheted up to life and death matters.
The almanac, based in time, is form-fitted into a place—the human skull starring the irregular circles of hell. As satire, it goes one step further and deems the AI as a mystical force above reproach. The AA world demonstrates what happens when both the term AI and the idea of mysticism are misused and confused.
Working off the Offsense Gambit summary features of “eco-socio-political turmoil,” Dr. Wu creates a map of potential paths to hell, including direct, fast-track lines to specific circles based on the top 9 news stories of the past year centered on those themes. Dr Wu, being able to channel any person, place, or time, uses that skill to interview points and concepts on the space-time continuum.
AA asks, “How might AI affect history and interline (International + online = interline) cultural memory while predicting the future?” For added satirical flavor, it asks, “Why go straight to hell when you can take the scenic route?”
Dr D. Little / Dr Wu
Dana L. Little is a digital creator and researcher focused on social media, human-computer interaction, satire, genre analysis, and speculative fiction. She recently received the Doctor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing degree from the University of Glasgow. Her innovative digital dissertation—Factions—is a satirical, speculative website curated by her digital twin persona, an AI mystic called Wu (We + You = Wu). She developed “faction” as a social media writing genre—facts and fictions that mix on social media with the algorithm as gatekeeper and promotional powerhouse. Her work has been shown at the Dublin 2019 Worldcon, The Foundry Gallery in Washington DC, The Hunterian Museum, and the Africa in Motion Film Festival, both in Glasgow, Scotland. Publishing credits in print and online include various short stories, game narratives, and an upcoming fantasy/comedy/adventure novel for Level 4 Press.